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Implementing Clinical Data Exchange (CDeX) to Support Multiple Payer Use Cases

September 28, 2023

Jim Adamson, Business Transformation Manager, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield

Lynda Rowe, Senior Advisor Value Based Markets, Intersystems

Now more than ever there is an imperative for payers to incorporate clinical data into their overall enterprise data strategy. Furthermore, the CMS Interoperability rules for payers are requiring most payers to implement FHIR and ingest clinical data. Taking advantage of these capabilities should be top- of-mind for payers.

Learn how using the Da Vinci CDeX Implementation Guide can accelerate your clinical data ingestion, allow you to ingest once use many, and take advantage of your FHIR infrastructure. Hear about how Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield plans to use CDeX to accelerate their strategy to reduce burden and improve plan performance.

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