Policies & Guidelines
4.2 Anti-Harassment
4.2.1 Policy
WEDI, as an inclusive organization, has a zero-tolerance of any type of harassment. It is WEDI’s policy that all participants in WEDI education events, meetings, and other activities act in a respectful, professional, and collegial manner. Participants should exercise consideration and respect in their speech and actions during all interactions with others.
4.2.2 Definition
WEDI defines harassment as unwelcome verbal, physical or visual conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual because of his/her race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment that interferes with or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s participation in educational events, meetings, or other activities. Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to, slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; denigrating jokes; and written, electronic, or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group.
Sexual harassment includes making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature; creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; or otherwise unreasonably interfering with an individual’s participation in educational events, meetings, or other activities. Sexual harassment may include such conduct as explicit sexual propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments or gestures, descriptive comments about an individual’s physical appearance, and any unwelcome physical contact.
4.2.3 Reporting Incidents of Harassment
Any person who believes they have experienced or witnessed an incident of harassment should promptly notify the President & CEO or Officer (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Vice Chairs).
All reported incidents will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Immediate action may be taken to protect the safety of participants, which may include having the violator removed from the educational event, meeting, or other activity, without warning or refund. Any additional corrective action may be taken, which may include, but is not limited to:
- Prohibiting the violator from attending future WEDI events or activities.
- Removing the violator from leadership or other roles in WEDI activities.
- Prohibiting the violator from future leadership or other roles in WEDI activities.
- Notifying the violator’s employer or sponsoring organization of the actions taken by WEDI.
The accuser will be notified when the investigation is closed.
The reporting of incidents, subsequent investigations, and any disciplinary actions will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible.
Retaliation against anyone who has reported harassment will not be tolerated.
Code of Conduct
WEDI is a professional organization that promotes an open and inclusive community. Members at all times should conduct themselves in a professional and collegial manner in virtual and in-person settings. When participating in WEDI activities, Members are expected to:
- Adhere to the Anti-Harassment policy (Policy 4.2).
- Communicate with others in a professional manner. This includes, but is not limited to, when participating in workgroup and subworkgroup meetings, at educational events, in email exchanges, and in other WEDI-convened meetings. Behavior, such as disruptive behavior, personal attacks, insulting or derogatory comments, and verbal abuse, will not be tolerated.
- Maintain confidentiality of Members-only information.
- Adhere to copyright and intellectual property laws, both in the development of and use of WEDI materials.
- Not speak on behalf of WEDI, unless given permission to do so.
- Adhere to the Social Media policy (Policy 4.4).
Violations of this policy should be brought to the attention of the President & CEO, other WEDI staff, or Officers (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Vice Chairs).
Abuse of the Code of Conduct may result in the temporary or permanent expulsion of an individual’s participation with WEDI and/or the revocation of WEDI membership as a result of violation of the Membership Code of Conduct; nonconformity with the Bylaws or Policy Manual; or engages in other actions which the Board of Directors determines to be injurious to the good name or good will of WEDI.
No such suspension or expulsion shall be affected without affording a reasonable opportunity for the member or individual to consider the charges and be heard in his or her own defense before the designated hearing committee, as delegated by the Board of Directors, which may choose to engage the full Board of Directors in any decision to suspend or expel an individual or member from WEDI.
4.3 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
WEDI is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We rely on the collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities, and talent of our Members. We embrace and encourage the differences in age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make the individuals of our Members unique.
We demonstrate these principles through:
- Respectful communication and cooperation
- Teamwork and participation
- Dignity and respect
All Members are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects diversity, equity, and inclusion during their work with WEDI, including within workgroups/subworkgroups, at educational events, within meetings, and at other WEDI-sponsored events.
Members who believe they been subjected to or witnessed any violations of this policy should report the incident to the President & CEO, other WEDI staff, or Officers (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Vice Chairs).
4.4 Social Media
4.4.1 Policy
WEDI supports Members’ use of social media to support and promote its work.
WEDI recognizes that social media serves as a valuable communication tool for industry engagement. Appropriate uses of social media include, but are not limited to, networking, marketing, sharing relevant information, engaging with stakeholders, and conducting other professional activities.
Social media includes any interactive digital communication through the internet, such as blogs, online communities, discussion forums, posting, sharing, and any other form of digital social networking. Examples include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snap Chat, and YouTube.
4.4.2 Guidelines
When using social media related to WEDI, Members are expected to follow these guidelines:
- Never claim to speak for WEDI in an official capacity, unless asked to do so by the President & CEO, other WEDI staff, or Officers (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Vice Chairs).
- Clarify that statements are personal views and do not represent the views of WEDI.
- Refrain from making negative or offensive statements about individuals or organizations, especially Members.
- Be considerate of others’ views and opinions.
- Do not post confidential information and respect the privacy of internal discussions.
- Never include content that is defamatory, discriminatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
If negative content about WEDI is encountered, it should be brought to the attention of the President & CEO, other WEDI staff, or Officers (Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, and Vice Chairs).
Repeated abuses of these guidelines may result in the revoking of WEDI membership.
WEDI has had the following guidelines prepared in order to facilitate compliance with the antitrust laws in conducting WEDI meetings.
I. Role of Chair. The Chair of the meeting will ensure that discussion follows the agenda. Matters outside of the scope of the agenda should not be discussed without the approval of the Chair. If necessary, the Chair will redirect, limit, or stop discussion in order to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
II. Subjects of Discussion. As a general matter, the antitrust laws prohibit competitors from agreeing on the prices they will charge, the products they will offer, the customers they will serve, and the markets in which they will compete. Therefore, there should be no discussion or disclosure of information with respect to
profits, premiums, prices, surcharges, or discounts;
specific customers or classes of customers, or whether participants will or will not do business with them;
allocation of geographic or product markets;
any refusal to deal with a customer or supplier;
how to deal with the market behavior of a competitor; or
any other topic involving anticompetitive practice.
Some topics of discussion may lead to agreements that are not unlawful on their face but that may have an unlawful anticompetitive effect, depending upon their scope and how they are implemented. There are no hard and fast rules regarding how much discussion may occur with respect to possible agreements that are not unlawful on their face, and the answer will vary depending on such factors as the nature of the subject matter, its relationship to competition among WEDI participants, and the degree of restraint that WEDI participants can be expected to exercise. For example, it is lawful for WEDI participants to agree on standard forms or processes that will lead to administrative simplification, but WEDI standards should not be used in a way that unreasonably limits competition.
III. Board and Committee Business Only Conducted at Meetings. There should be no informal, secret, or “rump” meetings in which some or all WEDI participants discuss business matters “off the record.” All discussions relating to the business of the WEDI Board or committees shall be held at formal meetings.
IV. Questions, Concerns. Questions or concerns about these guidelines or about any WEDI- sponsored meeting, discussion, or practice should be directed to WEDI’s President & CEO and/or to the participant’s own counsel.