Knowledge Center
WEDI provides a full suite of resources designed to help organizations better understand and manage health IT. The Resources section provides access to WEDI’s various tools and library of health IT information.
We strive to make the approval process of our work products as transparent as possible. White papers, issue briefs and surveys must be approved by the Peer Review Committee. Workgroup charters, new workgroups and co-chairs must be approved by the Work Group Leadership Committee. Comment letters and WEDI policies must be approved by the Policy Committee.
WEDI Federal Update 1.27.2025
Date Announced for HHS Secretary Confirmation Senate Hearing. The Senate Committee on Finance announced that a hearing entitled “Hearing to consider the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of California, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services” has been scheduled for 10 am ET on January 29. Go here to review the statements from…
Read MoreWEDI Federal Update 1.20.2025
OCR Settles HIPAA Phishing Cybersecurity Investigation for $3M. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a settlement with a supplier and direct-to-patient distributor of continuous glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and other supplies to diabetics, concerning potential violations of the HIPAA Security Rule and Breach Notification Rule following a breach of electronic protected health information (ePHI)…
Read MoreEpisode 187- Bridging the Gap: Technology, Policy, and the Future of Rural Healthcare. Neal Neuberger, Health Tech Strategies
Knowledge Center Michael welcomes Neal Neuberger, President of Health Tech Strategies and lead for the National Rural Health Association’s Rural Health IT Coalition. Neal addresses the current state of health care in rural US communities, the successes and challenges over the years through technology and regulations, and the “deprioritization” of telehealth. Neal and NRHA will…
Read MoreEpisode 186- Enhancing the Patient Experience through Technology; The Voice of the Patient
Knowledge Center From a recent WEDI conference, Anna Hyde from the Arthritis Foundation and Michael Phillips with AARP discussed the role technology is playing and will play in improving patient’s health care experience. Moderating this conversation is Denny Brennan, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium, member of the WEDI board and co-chair of…
Read MoreCyber Security DO’S and DON’TS for Health Care Organizations
WEDI-PS-WG-Cybersecurity-DOs-and-DONTs-finalDownload Brought to you by the WEDI Privacy & Security WG: Cybersecurity protection is for everyone! Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in which regulations impact what kinds or organizations… the WEDI Privacy and Security Workgroup has prepared this short reference document specifically targeted to smaller healthcare organizations. But it can be used by all…
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