Knowledge Center
WEDI provides a full suite of resources designed to help organizations better understand and manage health IT. The Resources section provides access to WEDI’s various tools and library of health IT information.
We strive to make the approval process of our work products as transparent as possible. White papers, issue briefs and surveys must be approved by the Peer Review Committee. Workgroup charters, new workgroups and co-chairs must be approved by the Work Group Leadership Committee. Comment letters and WEDI policies must be approved by the Policy Committee.
Better data exchange is key to improving patient health outcomes
Knowledge Center Interoperability and related compliance mandates are not new, though the landscape is ever changing. Without these two key components, progress is at stake. No one wants to return to the Wild West of health data and record keeping. Fortunately, the health care industry has been hard at work to put a national standard…
Read MoreVideo: Adopting a FHIR-based approach to Prior Authorization, Presented by InterSystems
Knowledge Center With the currently proposed CMS rule, 0057-P, Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes, improving this process has become a hot topic. Yet, looking across the industry, there are still many bespoke solutions that don’t solve for the scalability problem. Although X12 278 didn’t get much traction, at least it offered a standardized…
Read MorePodcast Episode 117: Breaking Down the Silos on the Way to Achieving Interoperability – A Conversation w/ Darena Solutions CEO Pawan Jindal, MD
Knowledge Center Michael chats with Dr. Pawan Jindal, MD, CEO of Darena Solutions, a St. Louis-based tech company that delivers EHR and other health IT solutions for vendors and patients. They discuss how technology, the 21st Century Cures Act, and patient literacy aided in the new evolution of data interoperability (not totally there yet though).
Read MoreVideo: 275 (and 277 RFAI) Early Adopters
Knowledge Center Mary Lynn Bushman, Agile Product Manager, National Government Services Sherry Wilson, Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Jopari This session from the 2023 WEDI Summer Forum spotlights the Health Care Attachments for Claims and Prior Authorizations. Mary Lynn and Sherry share early adopters’ experience with the X12 275 transactions and the embedded HL7…
Read MoreCongress Proposes Relief on Prior Authorization, but CMS is Ahead of the Game
Knowledge Center A couple of new bills, or rather, retreads of old bills, demonstrate increased congressional interest in reforming prior authorization (PA) under Medicare Advantage (MA). The Price Transparency bill’s Title III section (“Establishing Requirements with Respect to the Use of Prior Authorization Under Medicare Advantage Plans”) requires an “electronic prior authorization program” and “real-time…
Read MoreAugust Emerging Tech Meeting with Mike Rapach, President & CEO of CareFirst Health Plan Maryland
Knowledge Center An important aspect to adopting new technology is to partner and justify projects with senior management. Mike Rapach, President & CEO of CareFirst Health Plan Maryland organization, led this meeting. Originally a very innovative technologist, Mike has taken a unique path towards executive management. Please join us to hear his insights how we…
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