Knowledge Center
WEDI provides a full suite of resources designed to help organizations better understand and manage health IT. The Resources section provides access to WEDI’s various tools and library of health IT information.
We strive to make the approval process of our work products as transparent as possible. White papers, issue briefs and surveys must be approved by the Peer Review Committee. Workgroup charters, new workgroups and co-chairs must be approved by the Work Group Leadership Committee. Comment letters and WEDI policies must be approved by the Policy Committee.
Podcast Episode 50: Aspire and Achieve- ONC’s Health Interoperability Outcomes 2030 project with ONC’s Steven Posnack
Knowledge Center From WEDI’s July Summer Forum, we present our keynote from ONC’s deputy national coordinator, Steven Posnack. Over the summer, ONC launched a new initiative to plot out interoperability goals to drive the industry forward. Through its Health Interoperability Outcomes 2030 project, ONC plans to publish a prioritized set of “aspirational and achievable” interoperability…
Read MoreWEDI Letter to Secretary Becerra on the NSA – AEOB Issue
Knowledge Center The No Surprises Act, signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, was an important step toward increased transparency and removing a significant financial challenge for patients. As the compliance date soon approaches, WEDI has identified important data exchange issues that should be expeditiously addressed by the Department of…
Read MorePodcast Episode 49: No Surprises Act; Interim Final Rule Discussion with Stanley Nachimson of Nachimson Advisors
Knowledge Center Recorded from WEDI’s Summer Forum in July, Matthew talks about the first interim final rule issued by CMS to implement the provisions of the No Surprises Act with Stanley Nachimson of Nachimson Advisors. Upcoming WEDI Educational Events: TEFCA Presentation with ONC’s Micky Tripathi PHD and Sequoia Project’s Mariann Yeager- FREE to the industry,…
Read MorePodcast Episode 48: Da Vinci Discusses Payer to Payer Data Exchange
Knowledge Center From July’s Summer Forum, a session focusing on the work the HL7 FHIR Da Vinci Project is conducting on Payer to Payer Data Exchange. We welcomed Jocelyn Keegan, Program Manager of HL7’s Da Vinci Project and Payer Practice Lead for Point-of-Care Partners and Michael Gould, Business Lead-Interoperability with BlueCross BlueShield Association.
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WEDI Testifies at the NCVHS Subcommittee on Standards Listening Session
Knowledge Center The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) Standards Subcommittee held a listening session on Healthcare Standards Development, Adoption and Implementation. Nancy Spector, WEDI Board Chair, presented the WEDI testimony to NCVHS on the “Information exchange and HIPAA present day challenges and future opportunities” shown in the slide deck linked below. The panel included…
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