Knowledge Center
WEDI provides a full suite of resources designed to help organizations better understand and manage health IT. The Resources section provides access to WEDI’s various tools and library of health IT information.
We strive to make the approval process of our work products as transparent as possible. White papers, issue briefs and surveys must be approved by the Peer Review Committee. Workgroup charters, new workgroups and co-chairs must be approved by the Work Group Leadership Committee. Comment letters and WEDI policies must be approved by the Policy Committee.
Podcast Episode 42: Beyond HIPAA; Privacy & Security in a Consumer Driven Healthcare Space
Knowledge Center From our National Conference, WEDI’s Privacy and Security workgroup co-chairs, Marilyn Zigmund Luke (AHIP) and Tina Grande (Healthcare Leadership Council) host a roundtable discussion on the evolution and challenges of securing patient data in today’s healthcare IT environment. The panelists: Lina Walker, PhD, Vice President, Health Security, AARP Mari Savickis, Vice President ,…
Read MoreFact Sheet: Privacy and Security in Telehealth, Security Risk Assessments
Knowledge Center A recent WEDI white paper found that privacy and security concerns are obstacles for providers and patients use of telehealth services. As such, the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) is critical for telehealth’s adoption. A security risk assessment (SRA) is important for ensuring that your organization has completed a thorough…
Read MoreFact Sheet: Privacy & Security in Telehealth, Business Associates Agreements
Knowledge Center A recent WEDI white paper found that privacy and security concerns are obstacles for providers and patients use of telehealth services. As such, the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) is critical for telehealth’s adoption. Business associates agreements (BAA) are important for ensuring that individuals or organizations doing work for you…
Read MoreProvider Adjustments (PLB) in the Electronic Remittance Advice (835)
Knowledge Center This paper will be published in a series of iterations, with updated information being provided in additional appendices. This will allow the WEDI Remittance Advice and Payments Subworkgroup (SWG) to provide information in a timely manner, while keeping all the related information in one paper (not requiring the reader to access multiple papers…
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Letter to CMS on the WEDI EFT/ERA Survey Results
Knowledge Center WEDI developed the EFT/ERA survey questions instrument through our Remittance Advice and Payment Subworkgroup with CMS staff participating. The intent of the survey was to gather information on enhanced services and additional fees charged for receiving the ERA via the X12 835 transaction and/or payment made via EFT via the ACH Network. The…
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