Knowledge Center
WEDI provides a full suite of resources designed to help organizations better understand and manage health IT. The Resources section provides access to WEDI’s various tools and library of health IT information.
We strive to make the approval process of our work products as transparent as possible. White papers, issue briefs and surveys must be approved by the Peer Review Committee. Workgroup charters, new workgroups and co-chairs must be approved by the Work Group Leadership Committee. Comment letters and WEDI policies must be approved by the Policy Committee.
Survey on Fees for Remittance Advice and Electronic Funds Transfer Transactions
Knowledge Center WEDI is conducting a survey to gather information on enhanced services and additional fees charged for receiving the electronic remittance advice (ERA) via the X12 835 transaction (subsequently referred to as “835”) and/or payment made via the electronic funds transfer (EFT) via the ACH Network (subsequently referred to as “EFT”). The focus is not…
Read MorePodcast Episode 27: Set it, Tune it, Tweak it- Maintaining Security Fundamentals with Fortified Health Security’s CEO Dan L. Dodson
Knowledge Center We welcome Dan L. Dodson, Fortified Health Security’s CEO to talk about how telework due to COVID-19 and advancing technology may disrupt cybersecurity in healthcare. All is not lost however, as Dan offers insight on how to minimize the impact of cyber attacks, how cyber security is a shared responsibility, and by maintaining…
Read MoreKey Healthcare and Health IT Components of HR 1319
Knowledge Center Click below for a description of the key healthcare and health IT provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Read MorePodcast Episode 26: Surviving the Jolts; Organizational Leadership with GWU’s Dr. Leonard Friedman
Knowledge Center Class is in session! Matthew welcomes Dr. Leonard Friedman, Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, The George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health. How have healthcare organizations managed through the pandemic, the sudden emergence of telehealth and how his students, the future of healthcare management, are preparing for the ever evolving world ahead of them?
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